Eco-Chemical Engineering Taishan Scholar Academic Forum
and Signing Ceremony of International Joint Laboratory
时间:2018 年10 月20 日,08:50-12:20; 13:20-17:40
地点:火狐电竞四方校区CCE 楼706 会议室
与会专家:Anmin Cao;Hua Zhang;Shizhang Qiao;Alberto Vomiero;Zaiping Guo;
Yusuke Yamauchi;Xiangdong Yao;Xin Wang;Matt Trau; Chunxia Zhao;Gordon
Xu;Jin Zhang;Xiaodong Chen;Zhiyong Tang;Huijun Zhao;Guoxiu Wang;Lianzhou
Wang;Joe Shapter;Donghai Wang;Andrew Whittaker;Zaifeng Li;Zhongfan Liu
The symposium provides a scientific venue for sharing ideas and experiences on
cutting edge research as well as constructing an international joint laboratory in
Qingdao University of Science and Technology. The symposium uniquely combines
plenary talks from world leaders in the field of eco-chemical engineering and
meso-scale structure material. A wide range of topics is covered, from theory to
experiment, and from fundamental science to applications such as supercapacitors,
fuel cells and solar fuels.
The symposium brings together leading international experts in the field. We hope
this symposium will provide a venue for international researchers exchanging
scientific information and establishing collaborations, which would also benefit the
establishment of an international joint laboratory in Qingdao University of Science
and Technology.